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Poor sweet Mariah was sick all weekend....she didn't eat or drink a thing, and anything she tried to put down came right back up. I was really worried because usually when she does this, it's a 24-hour thing, but this lasted 48 hours and she looked really weak and pale.

But her choice of reading material (while she was quarantined to the living-room couch) made me smile:

:o) She actually picked my Vogue magazine when I asked her what she wanted to read.

While we're talking about Mariah, here's the thing I mentioned in the last post, that I made for her but it's so tight she refuses to put it on:

It's so cute & summery! But she's not havin' it. Oh well!

That's one of Mallory I snapped over the weekend...just thought it was so cute, I had to post it. :o)
Last night despite the fact the girls had dance, drill team, AND soccer, we managed to sit down to a home-made meal (an actual homemade one, no microwave-warming required):

This was quick & easy to make, which was surprising consdering I made the alfredo sauce from scratch. Now it's probably worth noting that Arissa threw a major fit at the sight of it, and that M&M only ate as much was required for them to be able to get garlic bread, but Jesse and I (the ones who actually tried it) thought it was delish.

And this I have w/ every meal:

Okay so since last weekend was payday weekend, we got our first summer/water toy:

no, that is not a Howard child on the's our friend from down the street, Alana. :o)
A 3-person slip-n-slide...complete w/ inflatable body boards! The girls freakin' loved it of course. We have a single-person slipp-n-slide, but the girls just run and then jump right on it and land on their knees. It makes me cringe every time. But w/ the body boards, they can actually SLIP and, more importantly, SLIDE and it's a lot more fun. Can't have any more kids anytime soon though...I don't think they make a 4-person one!

And then over the weekend, I also made this ensemble for Mariah:
Seeing her diva pose called to mind her reading my Vogue magazine......

Speaking of which, have you gotten your latest issue in the mail yet?



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