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the pumpkins

As Jesse pointed out, you'll notice, even in these blurry below-par photos that there's still lots of insides left in them.....and my response to that is it's quite a tough job to do 4 in one night, and I'm lucky I finished them at all! :O)

Here they are:

Mallory's pumpkin, cat on the moon:

Mariah's pumpkin, star eyes and 'kissy' lips:

Arissa's pumpkin, silly face:
Family pumpkin, scared face:

And here's my pretty little "tiny tot" dancer in her brand new leotard:

And here's the recent little gal that I made (her skirt lifts up to show white little underpants) :):


Cula said...


Anonymous said...

The pumpkins are just fabulous... good job.... I'd love to have them on my porch...
And Mariah looks so cute... I hope they give her more moves to make in her class. She is so capable of performing.

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