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The only good thing to come from the Swine Flu

was that while Mariah was doing nothing but sleeping the first two days, I actually got a lot done!

I was able to finish all the Christmas gifts for Arissa's drill team buddies (to give to them at the annual Christmas party).

If it weren't for that swine flu, I'm certain I never would have had the time to get it all done. But that's about the only good thing I have to say about Swine Flu and the flu in general!

And while Mariah was out of commission, we made this poster for her sisters to take to school and give to her class because she missed them so much:

Poor Mariah was so sick, she couldn't even bring herself to write it or color it. So I, obviously, did most of it, and then she did manage to sit up and sign her name at the end. And then she had an extra boost of energy so she drew a little heart and a smiley face.
Her class was so happy...they missed her a lot. They each wrote her a letter which the teacher put together as a little book for Mariah. I read the book several times.....each letter was so cute, and often hilarious too. :o) 1st graders are too cute!


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