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Rainy days & sad hearts

Poor, sweet Mr. Mendoza passed away Sunday morning (January 17).

Apparently he took a turn for the worse the day after Christmas, the day after we visited him.

When I heard the news, I felt saddened of course, but also glad for him, and mostly so thankful that we took time out of our holiday that day to stop by. I'm so glad that we didn't put it off and that we stepped out of our comfort zone to hopefully brighten his day just a little bit.

The girls had a discussion amongst themselves about which part of Mr. Mendoza went to Heaven, which part stays on Earth, what exactly a soul/spirit is, etc. I hope that, like me, they are touched by the way that man was so happy with a simple little sign we made him to welcome him home from his initial hospital stay, and that they have learned to never underestimate the power of some crayola crayons, a blank piece of paper, and happy smiling faces of little girls.



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