NBC was supposed to be our only tv appearance, but Tuesday I got a call at work that channel 6 had called spur-of-the-moment and wanted to have the drill team on their morning show as well.
So on Wednesday, we took more time off work & school and headed down to the studio:
Look at Arissa's sweet little face: "Oh wow, it's Mr. TV man! He's actually talking to me!!!"
And look who we met up with again: Captain Jack!
Channel 6 was a little better than NBC, in my opinion, cause it showed more of the girls actually dancing, and there were close-ups on nearly every sweet little face. Unfortunately, some of the girls couldn't make it because of school, but they were there in spirit, I'm sure.
Group shot!
'Nesa & 'Rissa:
The third and last tv promo was on KUSI, and that was done at the parade on Saturday. I wanted so much to be there and capture every single second of it on camera/video, but instead I was laid up on the couch w/ a box of tissues. I don't know if it was because of the sleep I missed Monday (that's what I'm blaming it on....I am a girl who needs her sleep!), but I came down with a terrible sore throat which persisted for days. Saturday my throat felt better but my head was stuffed and aching and I felt exhausted. I did manage to make it to the parade w/ M&M & Nana later, but I just couldn't do the 7am call time.
Nonetheless, the girls & I watched Arissa & the team on tv from home. It was kind of cooler to be at home watching it happen...we clapped and cheered for her, it was so exciting!
And it worked out so great the way each of the tv appearance went: the first one they only had a little air time, and it was scary, they weren't sure what to do really. The second one showed more of what they do best: dancing, but half of the team was missing. Then Saturday they were on tv 4 seperate times, they were interviewed, and they got to really show off their dancing skills. An adult dance team performed right after them and they couldn't even compare to these little girls. All that hard work pays off I guess! It was so so cool to watch.
So I wonder what's in store for these talented girls.
Could Arissa end up dancing alongside the president some day?
Being interviewed on primtime tv?
I'd say it's all quite possible!
But no matter what wonderful things are in store for my first born, or her dance team, I'm not giving up hope that someday, someday, this might be a reality!....