Yesterday was my Nana's birthday!
I wish I could throw her a party like I did last year (read that here), because it was so much fun.
I guess I better start planning a HUGE bash for her 100th, in case (fingers crossed) we get to celebrate that with her!
But we celebrated her 91st with lots of singing, some gifts, and some CAKE.
Still so much fun. I love my Nana. :)
I told her in the card I gave her that I hope to God when I am 91 years old, that I will look & act & feel half as good as she does. And I totally meant that.
Later that night, me & the girls watched the video we had made her last year (which almost didn't happen, save for the Christmas miracle...and a lot of hard work).
It makes me happy, as does my Nana.
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